Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Robert's Sportscast

Today's game was the Kansas City Royals against the Oakland Athletics. The final score was 4 to 3, in the Royals favor. The game went all the way into the 11th inning. There were no home runs in the game. The Royals had 8 hits and the A's had 14 hits, and all of them were singles. There were 26,272 fans there at Mcafee Stadium today. Amil Brown, the A's left fielder, had two amazing catches. The A's threw 5 walks and 7 strike outs, all were swinging, and the Royals threw 4 walks with 9 strike outs, 5 swinging, and 4 looking. The losing pitcher was Houston Street for the A's, and the winning pitcher was Blevins for the Royals. It was Root Beer Float Day, so my brother drank one and we kept the mug. It was a very exciting game today. That's all for Robert's Sportscast.

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