Jack and the Beloves liked the look of the exterior of this stadium. It really is quite beautiful. The inside is a strange mixture of attractive on the main level, with good views of the field, to very maze-like and removed on the upper levels. It is very kid friendly, with lots for the youngsters to do and GREAT photo-ops...
The roof is really cool. It was bright and sunny when we got there, with the roof wide open. By the 4th inning is subtly closed. Most of the fans didn't even notice it was happening. And then the thunder and lightning started. Guess you have to be constantly logged into weather.com to know what to do with it!
The location of your seats definitely makes a difference in the experience of a game. Unfortunately, ours gave us all an attack of claustrophobia. The action on the field was fun, but difficult to see at times. The Orioles won, but that didn't diminish the party-attitude of the crowd here in Milwaukee! Let the beer flow!
A day of much-needed rest, and then we are back in Chicago for the big Cubs-White Sox cross-town rivalry!