Saturday, May 10, 2008

Technological difficulties... Please stand by...

29 days until we leave.
So, here's my latest. I worked tirelessly for WEEKS to create the most amazing calendar of our trip. It is gorgeous! (Some of you have seen it!) It even has the team logo printed on the date we will be seeing each team. I was very proud of it...
until now...
Unfortunately, I am technologically ignorant and made a fatal error. I created it in a program that NOTHING recognizes! I can't email it to anyone, and can't upload it onto this blog so you can all see it. BUMMER! So, unless I can figure something else out, I will have to inform you of our plans some other way. Stay tuned to this channel...

But this has in no way put a damper on our enthusiasm. We are SO exceited, and can't WAIT to begin this trip. Other things seem to be falling into place. We have hotel reservations for Kansas City, and cousin Lesli is looking for someplace (reasonable) in New York. Actually, she recommended New Jersey which sounds like a good idea. Then we can take public transit to the games. Still no tickets to those last two parks, but we (may) have a line on some for Chicago Cubs. You will know more if there is anything to tell.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Map provided!

33 days until we leave.
Today we added a link to Map Maker, so you can see where we are going!
Check it out!

Monday, May 5, 2008


34 days until we leave.
We still do not have tickets for Chicago Cubs or Boston Red Sox.
Wondering if we should be worried about it.